Portfolio management services
Dezerv PMS Services strives to beat returns of the market index
Returns on ₹1 cr investment
(Since Sep’22)
As of 31st January, 2025
₹10,000 cr+
Assets managed in 2 years
20.48% TWRR
Returns since inception
0% Fixed Fee
Pay only on profits made
60% of mutual fund investors get lower returns than market
After analysing 10 lakh portfolios, we found
₹3,900 Cr+
gains missed in ₹10Cr+ portfolios
of portfolios are over-diversified
We create personalised portfolio based on your financial goals
We track the market’s impact on your portfolio daily
We evaluate and take action if your portfolio needs a change
Receive updates from your dedicated relationship manager
Our flagship PMS strategy delivered higher returns than market
“With Dezerv, I found the right partner for the next 25 years.”
Sanjay Arora
Founder, Suburban Diagnostics
“Investment experts at Dezerv have a solid investment thesis”
Aadil Bandukwala
Marketing Director, HackerRank
“Dezerv brought simplicity and clarity to my investments.”
Pooja Jauhari
Founder & CEO, EMoMee
“I am sure Dezerv will invest my money better than I could”
Brijesh Bharadwaj
Co-Founder, Segwise.ai
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Only Pay for the
Profits You Make
Dezerv charges upto 10% of profits as fees for ERS strategy.
We charge fees on same profit only once.
See how it works
Traditional wealth firms
Most PMS charge fixed fees regardless of the portfolio's performance
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Still got questions?
We're here to help.
What is Portfolio Management Service (PMS)?
What is the current state of the PMS industry in India?
What are the benefits of PMS?
Personalised Investing:
- Achieve Financial Goals & Create Long-term Wealth: Tailored strategies to meet individual financial objectives.
- Full Visibility of Transactions: Complete transparency regarding all portfolio transactions.
- Customised Asset Allocation: Personalised asset allocation plans based on risk tolerance and financial goals.
- Diversification to Reduce Risks: Minimise investment risks through diversification across various asset classes.
Expert Management:
- Professional Optimisation: Regular portfolio optimisation by experienced professionals.
- Dedicated Relationship Manager: Support and guidance from a dedicated relationship manager.
How are PMS different from mutual funds?
Portfolio Management Services (PMS) differ from mutual funds in three key ways:
- Ownership: In PMS, the stocks are held directly under your name, whereas in mutual funds, you own units of a fund that holds the stocks.
- Personalisation: PMS services are tailored to your individual investment needs and preferences, offering a personalised investment approach, while mutual funds follow a one-size-fits-all strategy based on specific objectives.
- Comprehensive Service: PMS provides a 360-degree investment service, including detailed portfolio management, while mutual funds are focused on helping you invest in pre-defined funds with specific goals.
Who Should Invest in PMS (Portfolio Management Services)?
The SEBI mandates a minimum investment of ₹50 lakh for Portfolio Management Services, up from ₹25 lakh before 2019.
Ideal Investors for PMS:
- High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) and Ultra HNIs: Those with substantial assets.
- Busy Salaried Professionals: Individuals who lack time for active management.
- High-Income Business Owners: Entrepreneurs with significant disposable income.
- Inheritors of Family Wealth: Beneficiaries looking to preserve and grow their inheritance.
- ESOP Liquidation Beneficiaries: Individuals who have gained significant wealth through ESOPs.
How is Dezerv PMS different from other PMS providers?
- Zero Management Fees: More cost-effective, no management fees.
- Performance-Based Fees: Fees only when portfolio profits exceed a hurdle rate.
- Strong Track Record: Consistently outperforms the BSE 500 TRI index.
- Transparent and Accessible: User-friendly platform with clear reporting.
- Focus on Long-Term Wealth Creation: Emphasises sustainable portfolios over short-term gains.
- Technology-Driven Approach: Enhances investment processes and client communication through technology.
What are the types of Portfolio Management Services
Based on investment control
PMS services can have three types of controls based on who approves and executes portfolio manager-recommended transactions, and one service can have all three.
- Discretionary PMS
- Non-Discretionary PMS
- Advisory PMS
Based on the market cap focus
Market Capitalisation evaluates the value of the company based on its stocks.
- Large Cap
- Multi Cap
- Mid Cap
- Small Cap
A few PMS Services have strategies that focus on ‘Large & Mid Cap’ and ‘Mid & Small Cap’.
Additionally, a few strategies involve investing only in debt/bonds or ETFs to achieve investment objectives. However, many PMS service providers may not offer these strategies.