Streamlining your personal finances is not a one-day job, it takes time to create a plan and get things in order. However, taking one step at a time can help you with investment planning and developing better money habits with the larger goal of building a more secure future for yourself.
So, if you are someone who struggles to set aside money for investments or are living paycheck to paycheck, it could be a consequence of bad personal finance management habits. Here, we have put together a guide to help you overcome those habits and usher in good ones so that you can spend less, stick to a budget, save more, and make the best investments. Below are 5 great tips to get you started!
You should make it a point to assess your progress towards your financial goals from time to time in order to stay in touch with reality. Preferably, reviewing the status of your personal finances in the first half of the year will assist you in recognizing potential errors caused at the time of investment planning and redirecting them to fulfill your financial objectives. Say, for instance, you were planning to purchase a high-end sports bike. The excessive input costs may have led prices to rise above average. In such a scenario, you will need to recalculate how much more funds you need to meet the difference amount. Importantly, if your financial circumstances have changed drastically of late, you may need to reconsider each of your financial goals or perhaps add new ones.
It’s shocking how much we spend mindlessly on a day-to-day basis, which then accumulates and shows up as a significant expense. Monthly subscription services, impulse online shopping, grocery hoarding – it all adds up! Here’s where you can make a change. Note down every time you spend on the smallest or biggest of things, and follow this practice for a few months. This exercise will push you to analyze your purchasing decisions and gauge what you actually need and what you don’t. You can seek the help of a finance expert to simplify the tracking process on the go.
Saving money to manage your daily expenses is a good money management habit you must inculcate. But saving for a rainy day and planning investments for the future is essential and unavoidable, as a strong financial backup would extend a cushion for you to handle uncertain circumstances in a better way. Looking at the present-day scenario that poses both employment and health risks, it’s ideal to keep aside a certain amount of money should there be an unexpected financial crisis. Having an emergency corpus will save you from touching your savings. Realistically, it’s a good rule to keep aside about 12 to 24 months of living expenses, including rents, loan EMIs, and investment costs. This will prove to be the smartest move in your overall personal finance management.
You may have faced situations wherein you had to take loans or may continue to have debts. Having loans or debts is not bad, but clearing them from time to time is very important. Hence, approach any wealth management company or a finance expert and they are most likely to suggest that you thoroughly evaluate your debt situation and make plans to reduce it over time. Keep an eye on your financial outflow getting diverted towards home loan EMIs, car loans, credit card payments, and more. Most importantly, before taking up any loan, assess your risk appetite and eligibility for it.
If you go to ask any financial expert, they would say the sooner you start your investment planning for retirement, the better returns you would garner. However, if you haven’t started yet, know that it’s not too late to get started on planning investments. Kickstart your journey with small investments but the best investments in the market. SIP has emerged as a great tool for investing regularly in mutual funds. It’s similar to a recurring deposit (RD) but market-linked. A reliable financial consulting company like Dezerv can help build a personalized portfolio of mutual funds best suited for you.
The good part is you have already overcome the difficult step of building better money habits by figuring out how you can start. Whether you choose to apply one of these tips or try out a couple of them, making these practices a part of your spending and saving routine can guide you to budget well and also weather storms ahead, all while achieving your financial goals. And this is what true financial empowerment is all about!