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SREI Bonds - List of 136 Srei Equipment Finance Ltd Bonds

SREI Bonds are issued by SREI Equipment Finance Ltd, a company engaged in asset financing and leasing in the infrastructure sector. It is currently undergoing insolvency process due to concerns around debt repayment and corporate governance. Banks and debt holders of SREI will be repaid after the insolvency proceedings are over. Right now, it is unclear what is the loss the bond holders may have to bear.


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Bonds are investment instruments that represent a loan made by the investor to a borrower like a corporate or government. The borrower borrows money for a stipulated period of time during which it pays interest to the investor. The loan (or principal) is returned to the investor at the end of the period which is denoted by the bond's maturity date.
Bonds are considered to be safer than equity or stocks. Bond investments should be considered by investors who have a low risk profile or who want to diversify their investments beyond stocks.

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